International Meetings

1.1 Dr. Nathalie Charpak
Kangaroo Foundation
1.2 Dr. Mónica Castro
Colombia’s Ministry of Health
1.3 Dr. Suman Rao
1.4 Dr. Pablo Duran
1.5 Dr. Yohana Amaya Pinzón
UNICEF regional
1.6 Silke Mader
1.7 Laura Mogollón
Parent of a kangaroo baby
1.8 Dr. Dehaene-Lambertz
Early setting up of the auditory and language network
1.9 Dr. Nathalie Charpak
KMC as a protective effect on the volume of brain structures
1.10 Dr. Manuela Filippa
Early vocal contact and KMC for infant’s neurobehavioral
1.11 Dr. Terrie Inder
Neurological consequences of preterm birth: where KMC fits?
1.12 Dr. Ruiz-Pelaez
Ethical Dilemma of Systematic Reviews and Original Research
1.13 John Camacho – KAREn
Collecting high-quality data for research and program evaluation
1.14 Dr. Jose Tiberio Hernández
KMC program monitoring data.
1.15 Dr. Laura Collados Gómez
KMC Clinical Practice Guideline
2.1 Dr. Karen Hendricks-Muñoz
Development of the Preterm Infant Oral Microbiome and KMC
2.2 Dr. Bireshwar Sinha
Effects of kangaroo care on maternal and paternal mental health
2.3 Drs. Laura Cambra & Salvador Piris
The NIDO Project
2.4 Dr. Ylva Thernström Blomqvist
Physiological parameters, security and safety of KMC in VLBW
2.5 Drs. De Leon Mendoza & Dr. Kim Chi
Strategies to reach continuous KMC
2.6 Saleema Khowaja
How to protect privacy during KMC implementation according to culture
2.7 Dr. María Lopez
KMC and neonatal procedures
2.8 Dr. Alvaro Solaz García
Changes in cerebral hemodynamics, blood flow and/or oxygenation during KMC
2.9 Prof Emeritus Réjean Tessier PhD & Dr. Natalia Varela
Participation of fathers in KMC
3.1 Dr. Lyda Teresa Rosero
Kangaroo position at home and close follow-up: indicators
3.2 Dr. Nathalie Charpak
High-risk follow-up of Kangaroo infants up to one year corrected age.
3.3 Dr. Shashi N. Vani
Transportation in KMC
3.4 Dr. Catalina Lince-Rivera
KMC network building
3.5 Dr. Luong Kim Chi
Success story: Supporting iKMC in VPT after C section or vaginal delivery
3.6 Dr. Adriana Montealegre
Risk Factors for EUGR at entry in the ambulatory KMCP
3.7 Zandra Grosso
Non-nutritive sucking and nutritive sucking in Kangaroo Position
3.8 Prof Tanis R Fenton
Why is 40 weeks an important date?
4.1 Dr. Yoriko Nichizawa
KMC in Bhutan
4.2 Dr. Ekawaty Luftia
KMC in Indonesia
4.3 Dr. Shashi N. Vani
KMC in India
4.4 Dr. Villanueva & Dr. De Ocampo
KMC in Philippines
4.5 Dr. Fousseyni Traore
KMC in Mali
4.6 Liseth Rodríguez
Colombian KMC Law
4.7 Dr. Mantoa Mokhachane
KMC in South Africa
4.8 Dr. Angela Lombo
KMC in Colombia
4.9 Dr. Rosa Gomero
KMC in Ecuador
4.10 Dr. Dolores Feliz
KMC in Dominican Republic
4.11 Dr. Fairuz Fadlallah
KMC in Panama
4.12 Dr. Sônia Venâncio
KMC in Brazil
4.13 Dr. Joy Lawn
OMWANA randomised trial of KMC prior to stability in Uganda
4.14 Sara Coutts
An implementation science study of KMC in British Columbia’s NICU
KMC and SCIENCE Immediate KMC.
Chairman: Salvador Piris. Madrid. Spain.
1. Immediate KMC. Experience in Norway. Laila Kristoffersen, Oslo. Norway. Norway Experience 2. Immediate KMC. Experience in Sweden. Agnes Linnér. Stockholm. Sweden. Sweden Experience
3. WHO Immediate KMC Study Group. Kangaroo Mother Care and Survival of Infants with Low Birth Weight. Nils Bergman. Cape Town. South Africa. WHO Study Group 4. Immediate KMC. Experience in Vietnam. Luong Kim Chi. Ho Chi Minh. Vietnam. Vietnam Experience
5. Systematic review of immediate Kangaroo Mother Care. Juan Gabriel Ruiz. Miami. Florida. USA. Systematic Review 6. Discussion Discussion Video
KMC and COVID-19
Chairwoman: Bárbara Múñoz. Madrid. Spain
1. Maternal and infant outcomes associated with maternity practices related to COVID-19. María Teresa Hernández-Aguilar. Valencia. Spain. Maternal and Infant Outcomes 2. Kangaroo care during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Spain. Pilar Saenz­ González. Valencia. Spain. Kangaroo Care
3. Promoting attachment between parents and neonates despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Pierre Kuhn. Strasbourg. France. Promoting Attachment 4. Skin-to-skin Contact during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Susan Ludington. Cleveland. Ohio. USA. Skin-to-Skin Contact
Chairwoman: Nathalie Charpak. Bogotá. Colombia.
1. KMC mapping in Colombia: an example of KMC diffusion at country scale. Nathalie Charpak. Bogotá. Colombia. KMC mapping in Colombia 2. Measures of success and failure of KMC-facility and community arm level, national level, and regional level. Socorro Mendoza de León. Manila. Filipinas. Measures of Success and Failure
3. Diffusion of KMC at the country level and its importance in the implementation. Shashi Vani. Karamsad, Gujarat. India. Diffusion of KMC 4. Diffusion and situation of kangaroo care in Ethiopia. Bogale Worku. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. Kangaroo Care in Ethiopia
5. Strategy for KMC implementation in Latin America: state of art. Pablo Durán. Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología [CLAP/SMR], OPS-OMS. Uruguay. Strategy for KMC 6. Results of the KMC Development Impact Bond [DIB] in Cameroon: an example to follow. Hortance Manjo. Cameroon. Results of the KMC DIB
7. Discussion Discussion    
Special Lecture
Chairwoman: Salomé Laredo. Madrid. Spain.
1. Neuroscience meets nurture: challenges of prematurity and the critical role of family-centred and developmental care as a key part of the neuroprotection care bundle”. Roopali Soni. Dubai, UAE. Neuroscience meets nurture    
November 24
1. Workshop Summary. Adriana Montealegre. Bogotá. Colombia. Workshop Summary
Chairwoman: Marta Cabrera. Spanish BFHI. Madrid. Spain.
1. Kangaroo mother care had a protective effect on the volume of brain structures in young adults born preterm. Nathalie Charpak. Bogota. Colombia KMC Brain Structures 2. Effects of Kangaroo Mother Care on oxygenation in preterm infants. Álvaro Solaz. Valencia. Spain. KMC Oxygenation
3. Toxic stress, diapers changing and KMC. Susan Ludington. Cleveland. Ohio. USA Toxic Stress 4. Early KMC in preterm infants with less than 28 weeks. Lateral position versus traditional position. Laura Collados. Madrid. Spain Early KMC
5. Discussion Discussion
Special Lecture.
Chairwoman: Socorro Mendoza de León. Manila. Filipinas.
1. KMC Package Cost. Nathalie Charpak. Bogota. Colombia. KMC Package Cost
Chairwoman: Susan Ludington. Ohio. USA.
1. Mother’s bed Incline and desaturation episodes in healthy term newborns during early skin-to-skin contact. Nadia García. Madrid. Spain. Mother’s bed Incline 2. Sudden unexpected postnatal collapse. USA National guidelines. Susan Ludington. Cleveland. Ohio. USA. Sudden unexpected postnatal collapse
3. Discussion Discussion
Special Lecture.
Chairwoman: Carmen Pallás. Madrid. Spain.
1. “Kangaroo Mother Care and the Future of Humanity”. KJS Anand. Stanford University. USA. Kangaroo Mother Care and the Future of Humanity
Best Posters.
Chairwoman: María Teresa Hernández Aguilar. Spanish BFHI. Spain.
1. 6 posters Best Posters
XII International Meeting on the MMC – Bogotá, Colombia 2018
The XII International Meeting was held in Bogotá, from November 14 to 17, 2018.It was organized by the Fundación Kanguro in collaboration with the Scientific Committee of the International Network of the MMC, the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and the Ministry of Health.
ProgramWorkshopThe best posters
Workshop ProgramSummary of the Trieste workshop and publication of proceedings. Anne-Marie Berg, Pedagogue, University of Pretoria, South AfricaPOSTER NUBIA CASTIBLANCO
Conference ProgramShort and Long-Term Consequences of Prematurity: The Importance of Follow-Up. Saroj Saigal, Pediatrician, Professor Emeritus at Mac Mater University, CanadaPOSTER MARIA CÁNDIDA FERRAREZ
 Report KMC workshop. Juan Manuel Lozano, Pediatrician and Clinical Epidemiologist, Department of Medical and Population Health Sciences Research, Florida International University, USAPOSTER GLAUCIA MOREIRA
 What we talk about in NICUs: When we talk about Kangaroo Care. A National Survey in Spain 
 Uptake of KMC in Bangladesh 
 Topic: Ghana’s Kangaroo Mother Care So Far. Achievements and Prospects 
 Monitoring as a Form of Dissemination of the Kangaroo Method in Brazil 
 Kangaroo Mother Care Counseling in VLBWI. Advice or A Prescription 
 Kangaroo Mother Care and the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative. Aligning and Integrating Implementation at a Country Level for Greater Impact 
 Internal Monitoring of Epidemiological Data in Maternal Breastfeeding for Sustainability of the Kangaroo Mother Method in a Hospital in Northeast Brazil 
 Innovative Approaches of KMC Foundation of India for the Promotion of KMC in India 
 Individualized Care Experiences in the Application of the Kangaroo Mother Method to the Vulnerable Mother-Baby Binomial and Their Family. Case Reports 
 Implementation, Integration, and Scaling Up of Kangaroo Mother Care in Rural Primary Healthcare Units in Sindh, Pakistan 
 Follow-up of Newborns from Neonatal Unit in Primary Health Care of a Southern Brazilian City. Interface with the Third Stage of the Kangaroo Mother Method 
 Family Led Care. Building Provider-Parent Partnership for Improved Care of Small Newborns 
 Evolution of an Implementation Model for Kangaroo Mother Care and Lessons Learned in a District in Southern India 
 Community KMC: Challenges in Developing Countries 
 Barriers to the KMC Unit in Cameroon 
 Barriers and Enablers for Early and Prolonged Kangaroo Mother Care: A Prospective Cohort Study 
 What to Do When It’s Time to Kangaroo: Transfer Techniques for the NICU Patient 
 What Does It Take to Scale Up KMC? Lessons from Malawi 
 Using a Mobile Application for Parents to Track Kangaroo Care Metrics during Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Hospitalization 
 Strengthening Kangaroo Care for Preterm Infants in British Columbia (BC), Canada 
 Relationship between Kangaroo Care Activity during Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Hospitalization and Early Parent-Infant Contact 
 Premature Baby Development: What are the Determining Factors? 
 Nuna Teaches: The Kangaroo Baby Care is a Challenge of Place and Time 
 Motor Development at 6 Months of Corrected Age of Newborn Infants Younger than 32 Weeks of Gestational Age and the Beginning of the Kangaroo Mom Baby-Care Position 
 Development of Social Communicative Behavior in Brazilian Preterm Born Children Positioned in Kangaroo Mother Care Position 
 Prematurity Behavior in Colombia during the Years 2007 to 2016 
 Clinical and Neurological Monitoring in a Comfort of Preterm Newborns Attended in the Outpatient Kangaroo Mother Program of M&H Salud SAS in Cartagena, Colombia, between the Years 2012 to 2017 
International MeetingsThe objective of this meeting was to review the progress in research and development of the MMC throughout the world, share best practices and identify barriers, challenges and facilitators for diffusion and success. 2016
Workshop ProgramPostersPresentations
Workshop Program63_rekha_udani_text28_silver_scaleKMC
Conference Program62_heather_cooper_text27_vani_roleNGOs
 54_emine_serap_sarican_text20_tamburlini_vezzini_improve quality
 49_suman_rao_text16_lamy_machado_KMC Brazil
 48_cabral_filho_poster15_tessier_charpak_fragile preterms
 46_Andrea_Aldana_Acosta_Poster15b_ruiz_HRQoL and KMC
 38_AnaStela_Brito_poster12_morelius_neonatal maternal stress
 37_ranaivoson_text11_ludington_stress reducing effects
 36_esterlita_uy_text10_vani_home-based KMC
 29_laila_kristoffersen_poster08_brotherton_early KMC
 32_deepa_banker_text07_morgan_abstract Doc
 26_glaucia_moreira_galvao_poster03_zaka_every newborn
 23_silvia_perugi_poster02_bahl_evidence gaps ongoing research
 06_Marufa Aziz Khan_text 
 06_Marufa Aziz Khan_poster 
X International Meeting on the MMC – Kigali, Rwanda 2014The theme of this meeting was: “Kangaroo Mother Care Method: an effective way to improve the survival and quality of survival of preterm and low birth weight newborns: evidence and successes”.
Workshop ProgramAbstracts and Presentations Day 1Abstracts and Presentations Day 2
ProgramaKMC DAY120. Care behaviours and Hypothermia – Daniel ManirahoKMC DAY229. Orientation session – USAID Stella Abwao, Rwanda
 KMC DAY119. Evaluation of KMC in Rwanda – Beata Mukarugwiro Ruanda(1)KMC DAY229. Orientation session – USAID Neena Khadka, Mark Hathaway
 KMC DAY117. Prolactin – Jessica Anne DumalagKMC DAY229. Orientation session – USAID Laerdal
 KMC DAY115. ROP – Silvia FernandezKMC DAY228. Strategy of KMC implementation – Veronique Prevot, France
 KMC DAY114. Clinical Course LBW – Nathalie CharpakKMC DAY226. Weight taking and recording – Rogers Mandu, Uganda
 KMC DAY113. O2 Dependence – Silvia FernandezKMC DAY225. Community support – Eric Segujja, Uganda
 KMC DAY112. Improved survival – Nils BergmanKMC DAY224. Womens experiences – Violet Manjanja, Malawi(1)
 KMC DAY111. Quality of Care – Adriana Montealegre, ColombiaKMC DAY223. Understanding barriers – Rebecca Liebman, Delhi
 KMC DAY110. Nils Bergman – Cape TownKMC DAY222. Rapid Evaluation – Cathy Mugeni, Rwanda
 KMC DAY19. Quality of life for LBW – Adriana MontealegreKMC DAY221. Facilitators and barriers – Erin Hunter
 KMC DAY18. Breast Feeding – Adriana MontealegreKMC DAY220. Pediatric Development – Oscar Mwizerwa, Rwanda
 KMC DAY17. Test based on Bayley scales – Mara MinskiKMC DAY219. Follow-up assessment – Assumpta Mwali
 KMC DAY11. Tom Lissauer – LondresKMC DAY218. Home Based KMC in Tribal areas – Shashi Vani, India
 KMC DAY16. Ripples on distant shore – Barbara Morrison USAKMC DAY216. Expert mother – Yves Bazingingo
 KMC DAY15. Concepts, definitions and praxis – Nathalie CharpakKMC DAY215. A quality improvement – Fulgence Nkakabahizi, Rwanda
 KMC DAY10.1. RPA Welcome – Lisine TuyisengeKMC DAY214. Best practices of care – Ngoy Buledi, Ruanda
  KMC DAY213. Early outcomes PPT – Assumpta Mwali, Rwanda
  KMC DAY212. Tertiary Care Center – Suleiman Bello, Nigeria
  KMC DAY29. KMC Implementation Experiences – Azad Chowdhury, Bangladesh
  KMC DAY211. Findings from a baseline – Fadzai Mutseyekwa, Zimbabwe
  KMC DAY28. Challenges on implementation a KMC UNIT – Yvonne Ranaivoson, Madagascar
  KMC DAY27. Progress with implementation Muhima District Hospital – Placide Ntigurirwa Rwanda
  KMC DAY26. First African neonatal – Birkneh Tilahun; Thomas Brune
  KMC DAY25. Tools for the care – Zandra Grosso
  KMC DAY23. Pathways, articulations and obstacles – Zeni Carvalho, Brasil
  KMC DAY22. From a closed to open 24 hour UNIT – Zandra Grosso, Colombia
  KMC DAY21. Challenge to implement KMC – Marika Brandt; Thomas Brune
  KMC DAY20.1. KMC an Epitome of Quality Loving Care – USAID Ne
Abstracts and Presentations Day 3  
KMC DAY224. Womens experiences – Violet Manjanja, Malawi(2)  
KMC DAY212. Scaling up – Peter Waiswa, Uganda(1)  
KMC DAY211. Challenges & processes – Bellington Vwalika, Zambia(1)  
KMC DAY39. E-learning platform – Nathalie Charpak, Colombia(1)  
KMC DAY27. Supporting the LAC – USAID Goldy Mazia(1)  
KMC DAY26. Status of KMC Philippines – Socorro De Leon Mendoza, Philippines(1)  
KMC DAY119. Evaluation of KMC in Rwanda – Beata Mukarugwiro Ruanda(2)  
KMC DAY24. Progress Indonesia – Hadi Pratomo, Indonesia(1)  
KMC DAY23. Implementing KMC in Bangladesh – Dewan Emdadul, Bangladesh(1)  
KMC DAY22. Opportunities and challenges – Arefin Amal(1)  
KMC DAY21. Scaling Up – Anne Marie Bergh, Sudafrica(1)  
KMC DAY20.0 Panel discussion – Anne Marie Bergh(1)  
IX International Meeting on the MMC – Ahmedabad, India 2012The theme of this meeting was: “Kangaroo Mother Care Method as the main philosophy of care for premature and low birth weight babies in the world”.
Workshop ProgramAbstracts and presentations Day 1Abstracts and presentations Day 2
ProgramPresentation: Lessons learned in implementing KMCImportance of breast feeding in the preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants and KMC
ProgramWhy follow-up?Presentation: Breastfeeding the premature infant in a high tech NICU environment
 Methodology and guidelinesBreastfeeding the premature infant in a hightech NICU environment
 Growth And Development In KMC-NICU GraduatesPresentation: Importance of Breastfeeding Preterm and LBW Infants, and KMC
 Presentation: Growth and Development in KMC – NICU graduatesMilk Extractions and Kangaroo Care
 KMC and Long term follow up of LBW and preterm infantsPresentation: Milk Extraction and Kangaroo Care
 Effect of KMC on growth and developmentBreast-milk Banking….. an Indian Experience
 Presentation: Kangaroo mother care: effect on physiological parameters of newbornPresentation: Breast-milk Banking….. an Indian Experience
 Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on growth and developmentKMC and Breastfeeding the Premature Infant
 Presentation: Effect of KMC on Neurodevelopmental outcome of Low Birth Weight babiesPresentation: KMC and Breastfeeding the Premature Infant
 KMC as the philosophy of care for preterm and low birth weight infantsPresentation: Impact Of Kangaroo Mother Care on Lactation
 Care of Babies “Born Too Soon” and the role of KMCEffetct of KMC vs Conventional metode of care
 Presentation: Care of Babies “Born Too Soon” and the role of KMCPresentation: RCT of Kangaroo Mother Care
 Kangaroo Mother Care from a brain-to-function perspectivePhysiologic Stability with Kangaroo Care
 Preterm neuro maturation and Kangaroo Mother CarePresentation: Stability due to KMC
 KMC and Brain DevelopmentKangaroo Mother Care (KMC) practice in the Philippines
 Presentation: Kangaroo Mother Care and Brain DevelopmentPresentation: A randomized controlled trial on its effects on growth and neonatal stability
 Massage and growth of the brainKMC, Practice, problems and solutions in the UK
 Brain motor function in adolescents bornPresentation: KMC, Practice, problems and solutions in the UK
 Line Nadeau 
 Discriminating ability of the INFANIB 
 Presentation: Discriminating ability of the INFANIB 
 Presentation: High Technology Environment and intermittent KMC 
 Long term improved language and cognition of preterm with KMC 
 Kangaroo Position induces… 
 Kangaroo Position with ambulatory oxygen 
 Presentation: KMC Intervention in Premature Infants with Broncho-pulmonary Dysplasia 


Abstracts and presentations Day 2BAbstracts and presentations Day 2C 
From Family to SchoolPresentation: Factors of mother’s abandon for KMC practice 
Presentation: Randomized Controlled Trial on KMCBecoming a family under unfamiliar circumstances 
Randomized Controlled Trial on KMCPresentation: Becoming a family under unfamiliar circumstances 
Presentation: Kangaroo Care Transport vs transport incubatorBecoming a family under unfamiliar circumstances 
Research project. Andrea AldanaThe Skin-to-Skin STS 
KMC and Massage TherapyThe nurse at the Kangaroo Mother Care Program 
Presentation: The practice of Kangaroo Care at St. Olavs HospitalKC and postpartum depression 
Kangaroo Care Transport vs transport incubatorPresentation: KMC and anxiety disorders 
The practice of Skin-to-skin contactKangaroo Mother Care and anxiety disorders. 
KC for preterm infants in the delivery roomPresentation: High Technology Environment and intermittent KC procedure 
 High-technology environment and intermittent KC procedure 
VIII International Meeting on the MMC – Quebec, Canada 2010The focus of this International Meeting was “Developmental problems in prematurity and the effects of KMC”.
List of Abstracts  
VII International Meeting on the MMC – Uppsala, Sweden 2008The VII International Meeting on the Kangaroo Mother Care Method took place in October 2008 in Uppsala, Sweden.
“Kangurologists” from 37 countries participated, as well as representatives of the World Health Organization,
Save the Children, SNL, among others. This International Meeting was preceded by the First European Conference on KMC,
where more than 30 members of Neonatal Units from 15 European countries participated.
Abstract list  
List of Abstracts and Workshop Presentations  
List of abstracts and conference presentations  
Posters Aino Ezeonodo  
Ananda Fernandes  
Ann E Bigelow  
Barbara Morrison 2  
Barbara Morrison  
Baribwira C  
Bayasgalantai Bavuusuren  
Beatrice Moudze  
Bernie Endyarni  
Campbell-Yeo, Marsha  
Carol Lopez Melcher  
Chandra K Singhal  
Elise van Rooyen 2  
Elise van Rooyen  
Erero F. Njiengwe  
Eunice Lample  
Hadi Pratomo 2  
Hadi Pratomo  
Henriette A van Zanten  
Juan G Ruiz  
Kiran Kumar 2  
Kiran Kumar BV  
Laura N Haiek  
Maria Isabel Angel  
Martha Cristo  
Monica Virchez Figueroa  
Mukesh Gupta  
N Rabesandratana  
Nancy L. Sloan  
Nathalie Charpak  
Nathalie Charpak-Maria Isabel Angel  
Odette N.Guifo  
Rekha H Udani 2  
Rekha H Udani 3  
Rekha Udani 4  
Sheau-Huey Chiu-Gene Cranston  
Stephane Groulx  
Suman Rao  
Uut Uhudiah  
Vo Thi Thanh Tra  
Yeni Rustina  
Ylv Themstrom Blomqvist  
Yoriko Nishizawa  
Yvonne Kasim Ragab-Volders  
VI International Meeting on the MMC – Cleveland, Ohio 2006Celebrating 10 years of promoting the art and science of Kangaroo Mother Care by the International Network of KMC (1996-2006)
Abstract list
Abstract list
List of Participants  
V International Meeting on the MMC – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2004 
Abstract list
IV Encuentro Internacional sobre el MMC – Ciudad del Cabo, África del Sur 2002
Abstract list
III International Meeting on the MMC – Yojakarta, Indonesia 2000 
II International Meeting on the MMC – Bogotá, Colombia 1998In the city of Bogotá, during the II International Meeting on the Kangaroo Mother Care Method, held from November 30 to December 4, 1998, participants from 30 countries of the world met.
Final report second meeting  
Final report second meeting  
List of participants  
Declaration of Santafe de Bogota  
I International Meeting on the MMC – Trieste, Italy 1996The first International Meeting on the Kangaroo Mother Care Method (KMC) was held to provide care for premature and low birth weight infants for gestational age. This meeting was held in Trieste, Italy, from October 24 to 26, 1996. There were 36 participants from 15 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.
First meeting summary  
First meeting summary  

National Meetings​

IV National Meeting on the MMC – 2020LogoThe Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Colombian Association of Neonatology and the Kangaroo Foundation organized and carried out the IV Mother Kangaroo Meeting “The path to quality in Mother Kangaroo Programs”, held in Bogotá on January 23 and 24, 2020
Presentation Mapping 2020 – Nathalie Charpak  
NB approach with LBW or premature in RIAS 2020  
Presentation Dr. Ovalle  
I Latin American Meeting and II National Meeting on the MMC – 2013During the days 17 (opening day), 18, 19 and 20 November 2013, this event was held whose theme was “Public Policies and Scientific Evidence on the KMC” which led us to the strengthening of the network of kangaroo practice at the national level and the creation of a scale network with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Agenda Latin American Kangaroo Meeting Oct 22HUSI Julio C Castellanos (2)
Presentations Day 1Presentations Day 2Presentations Day 3
FC CHARPAK TMSECUADOR Gonzalo ArcosFinal indicators February 2014
SINERGIAS Pablo Montoya

BUCARAMANGA Cecilia Sandoval

FC Maria Isabel AngelMEDELLIN Juan Manuel AguilarGAI PREMATURES Kangaroo Meeting 2013
BRASIL Paulo BonilhaTUNJA Jenny Paola Lizarazo 
BRASIL Zeni LamyPASTO Maria Alejandra Delgado 
CHILE Monica MorguesCHOCO Pedro Luis Alvarez 
JAVERIANA Juan Gabriel RuizSALUDCOOP R Pantoja- B Mosquera 
FC CHARPAK Monitoreo 20.000 niñosCOLSANITAS Natalia Restrepo 
SOUTH AFRICA Anne Marie Bergh Draft 2CLINICA SAN RAFAEL Gloria Sanchez 
MEXICO Laura Lopez VCOLSANITAS Rebeca Cabas 
PERU Julio PortellaCanguro Ivan Padilla 
COLSANITAS Natalia RestrepoCANGURO Leonel Javela 
EL SALVADOR Boris CarranzaMEDERI S Tuiran-A Gonzalez 
REP DOM Isaac B Taveras  
Helene Bogota 2013  

Educational Brochures

Educational BrochuresThe content of these brochures was created by the staff of the Integral Kangaroo Mother Program LTDA. Reproduction in whole or in part for educational or non-commercial use is authorized, provided that the source is properly mentioned.
Educational Brochures PMCI  
3 Month Stimulation Brochure  
3 and 9 Months Stimulation Brochure  
9 and 18 Months Stimulation Brochure  
Tantrum Flyer  
Don’t Sit Alone Brochure  
Thumb Flyer  
My Baby Must Crawl Brochure  
Folding Kangaroo Feeding  
Folding Babysitting Family Homework  
Folding Milk Expression  
Folding User Manual  
Folding Our First Day  
Folding Oxygen  
Folding Vaccination  

Practical Guides

Practical GuidesThese documents reflect the work of professionals from the Kangaroo Foundation and the Mother Kangaroo Programs, the San Ignacio University Hospital and the San José Infantil Hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. A multidisciplinary approach involving pediatricians, nurses, nursing assistants, psychologists, and social workers. With them, you can continue and justify the service protocols in the care of premature and low birth weight babies using the Kangaroo Mother Care Method. If you want us to post a document in this folder, please send it in PDF format and don’t forget to put your name on it.
Update of the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Kangaroo Mother Programs in Colombia – Ministry of Health of Colombia, 2017  
KMC Implementation Guide – USAID, 2012  
KMC Participant´s Guide USAID 2009  
Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines – Kangaroo Foundation and Javeriana University, 2005 – 2007  
KMC Practical Guidelines – World Health Organization, 2003  

Practical Guidelines

Kangaroo Mother Care a practical guideThese documents reflect the work of professionals from the Kangaroo Foundation and the Kangaroo Mother Care Programs, San Ignacio University Hospital and San José Infantil Hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. A multidisciplinary approach involving pediatricians, nurses, nursing assistants, psychologists, and social workers. With them, you can continue and justify the service protocols in the care of premature and low weight babies using the Kangaroo Mother Care Method. If you want us to publish a document in this folder, send it in PDF format and don’t forget to put your name on it.
Practical Guidelines  
Update of the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Kangaroo Mother Programs in Colombia – Ministry of Health of Colombia, 2017  
KMC Implementation Guide – USAID, 2012  
KMC Participant´s Guide USAID 2009  
Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines – Kangaroo Foundation and Javeriana University, 2005 – 2007  
KMC Practical Guidelines – World Health Organization, 2003