Abstract submissions are now open for the International KMC Conference 2024, taking place virtually from November 18 to 21.
Abstracts are due by November 1, 2024.
The Scientific Committee will evaluate all abstracts submitted on time and will notify authors of their acceptance by November 15, 2024. Among the accepted abstracts, one will be selected for a 10-minute oral presentation (including 2 minutes for questions and answers) on the last day of the conference. The remaining accepted abstracts will be uploaded to the conference website (www.kangaroomothercare.org).
Abstracts information:
- The total character count is 2,600 and includes spaces.
- Tables and images are not included in the character count.
- Abstracts must include the title, full name and email contact of the first author, as well as the background, objective, design/methods, results, and conclusions (download template).
- Font: Calibri or Arial
- Font size: 12
- Please send your abstract as a World file to: canguro@gmail.com and coordinadoraproyectoscanguro@gmail.com
Topic for abstracts for the KMC conference:
- New contributions to knowledge on the barriers and solutions available for the dissemination of KMC from the delivery room to KMC in the community in your country
- Evaluation of indicators that could be measured to assess the diffusion of KMC in your country
- Difficulties in implementing continuous KMC in your NICU
- What are the biggest obstacles in your hospital to early discharge in kangaroo position of the premature infant and his/her mother at home?
Important Dates
- Call for Abstracts: October 1, 2024 – November 1, 2024, at 11:59 pm COT.
- Abstract Review and Selection: November 1 – November 15, 2024
- Notification sent by email: November 15, 2024